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BINGO Shapes tracing


Are you looking for a FUN game that also works on shape recognition, fine motor skills, coordination, attention, crossing midline and visual scanning? This game works on all of those things and more! This includes 28 different shapes and 24 DIFFERENT bingo cards and a blank card. The shapes are varied including triangle, square, circle, horizontal lines, vertical lines, arrows, oval, rectangle, squares and more! This is perfect for handwriting control with writing and forming letters of the alphabet.



Explain to students. “We are going to play a bingo game today called SHAPE. You will need to get out a pencil/dry eraser marker (if laminated). Once I pass out the SHAPE cards, I will hold up a card/ put a card on the projector/smartboard. If you have this card you will trace the shape. Be careful, it only counts if the shape is traced perfectly, staying on the lines. You can erase and try again.” (This rule can be changed, and should not be used for younger kids who may developmentally not be ready for more advanced shapes). When you have 5 in a row (show visual), you yell out ‘SHAPE’. You will then bring the card up to me.”

Pass out a bingo card to each student. There is an extra blank bingo card that you can make into another card if you need extras.

Call out a bingo card. Put the card on the smart board or projector. You will know the correct way by looking at the copyright design. The copyright will always be on the bottom. Describe the shape. You can model how to make the shape on the smart board/chalk board.

When students win, you can have them show you the shapes and re-trace or try to copy them on the board.


Alternative way to play for students who cannot trace or need help:

Project one bingo card on the smart board or projector. Show students the card. If needed, reduce visual of shapes (ie: only show half the bingo card).

Have one student come up to match the card. IF the student can, have the student trace the card or use hand over hand to help.

Print out caller cards (enlarged cards) to have students practice the shapes on these cards.


To make it harder:

Only describe the shapes to the student, do not show them the caller card.

Instead of drawing on their own bingo card, have students copy the same shape onto the blank bingo card provided.


This type of activity can support hand strength, visual scanning, visual perceptual skills, visual motor skills, age appropriate grasp crossing midline, and fine motor skills.


This is perfect for RTI / MTSS / 504 / IEP as an intervention for hand strength and pre-handwriting skills. This could also be used in a center. This is also a perfect activity for occupational therapists OT, teachers, speech pathologists SLP, special education teachers SPED and other school professions while working on skills!


I am a school occupational therapist who has a doctorate in occupational therapy. I work closely with special education and general education staff adapting material. This is where I get my inspiration for this material. I have used my materials with a variety of children with different disabilities including learning disabilities, dyslexia, autism, sensory processing disorder, ADD, ADHD, visual impairments, deaf/hard of hearing, cerebral palsy, down syndrome and more.


DISCLAIMER: By using this, you agree that this activity is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or occupational therapist. Information provided should not be used for diagnostic or training purposes. Please speak with your physician or OT if you have questions. Stop any activity if you are unsure about a child’s reaction or ability.


DISCLAIMER: Elizabeth Kosek is a Licensed Occupational Therapist , but is in no way representing herself as such with the content of this blog or through her resources. By using this website or any resources, you agree that this activity is not intended to replace skilled therapy services, consultation, treatments and does not replace the advice of a physician or occupational therapist. Speak with your physician or OT if you have questions. Information provided should not be used for diagnostic or training purposes. Stop any activity if you are unsure about a child’s reaction or ability. Empowering OT is not liable for any injury, accident, or incident that may occur when creating or replicating any of the activities or ideas found on this blog or contained within any resource provided here.