This is the TURKEY craft you need for students across levels on your caseload or classroom. This is differentiated for 3 lined paper, lined paper, letter boxes, and uppercase letters. Students will write on their turkey “I am thankful for…”. On each feather, students will write in or copy what they are thankful for. They can color in turkey accessories (hat, pie pin, bow). Then, they cut out the turkey, feathers, accessories and glue them together.
What’s included:
Page 6: Accessories for turkeys
Page 8-10: Blank turkey
Page 12-15: Uppercase letter boxes
Page 17-20: Lowercase letter boxes
Page 22- 28: 3 lined paper
Page 31-32: Lined paper
Page 34-36: Bonus name turkey
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This is perfect for RTI / MTSS as an intervention for scissor skills, coloring and writing. This is great for visual scanning, visual perceptual skills, coordination, visual motor integration and fine motor. This is also a perfect activity for occupational therapists OT, teachers, speech pathologists SLP, special education SPED teachers and other school professionals while working on skills!
I am a school occupational therapist who has a doctorate in occupational therapy. I work closely with special education and general education staff adapting material. This is where I get my inspiration for this material. I have used my materials with a variety of children with different disabilities including learning disabilities, dyslexia, autism, sensory processing disorder, ADD, ADHD, visual impairments, deaf/hard of hearing, cerebral palsy, down syndrome and more.
DISCLAIMER: By using this, you agree that this activity is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or occupational therapist. Information provided should not be used for diagnostic or training purposes. Please speak with your physician or OT if you have questions. Stop any activity if you are unsure about a child’s reaction or ability.