This is a packet to give to parents, teachers, staff, and other related services about strengthening specific skills of the hand. There are many fine motor skill areas that support manipulation of materials, academic skills, life skills, scissor skills and handwriting! Luckily, children of ALL AGES can work on all of these muscle groups without writing!
•There are directions for parents / teachers.
•For each finger motor handout, it explains each area of fine motor, tips for success and activities to support these areas (in hand manipulation, separation of the hand, wrist stability, intrinsic strength, and open web space).
•There are two different direction page, one you can write in a recommendation for practice and the other, you just print.
•Some of the activities overlap, but there is different focus for why the activities are performed.
This is perfect for RTI / MTSS / 504 / IEP as an intervention for strengthening. This could also be used as activities in centers. This is also a perfect activity for occupational therapists OT, teachers, speech pathologists SLP, special education teachers SPED and other school professions while working on skills!
I am a school occupational therapist who has a doctorate in occupational therapy. I work closely with special education and general education staff adapting material. This is where I get my inspiration for this material. I have used my materials with a variety of children with different disabilities including learning disabilities, dyslexia, autism, sensory processing disorder, ADD, ADHD, visual impairments, deaf/hard of hearing, cerebral palsy, down syndrome and more.
DISCLAIMER: By using this, you agree that this activity is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or occupational therapist. Information provided should not be used for diagnostic or training purposes. Please speak with your physician or OT if you have questions. Stop any activity if you are unsure about a child’s reaction or ability.