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Occupational Therapy FINE MOTOR WARM UP Songs

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Fine Motor Warm Ups

You can work on many fine motor skills during warm ups. Some of the skills you will work on include finger isolation, motor planning, hand strength, pincer grasp, coordination and MORE! 

Are you looking for fun fine motor warm ups? Check out my fine motor imitation game “What do you like more?” Students will imitate a hand pose to answer the question. Check it out here!


Fine Motor Warm Up Songs

Baby Shark Dance is  one that I used to do when I was a small child at camp! It is easy to learn the hand movements. This works on finger, arm and shoulder strength. This is a great way to get your hands warm up for fine motor tasks.

Fine motor development | Playdough song | If you’re happy and you know it is a song that is based on “If you’re happy and you know it”. Children will use playdough to work on finger movements to warm up their hands.

Crocodile Snap Pencil Grasp Childrens Song is an absolutely amazing song for children who are learning how to hold a pencil and to warm up fingers for fine motor activities. This song has repitition (wiggle fingers, pinch fingers) so it is great practice. This is also a catchy tune that is a great reminder when you are practicing how to hold a pencil
‘I like to’ playdough action song is a warm up song that uses playdough to warm up. Students will work on hand strength, finger differenation, imitation and pinch strength.

Animal finger warm up focuses on making your hands do different actions like animals (clap like a seal). The exercises show on the screen for about 10 seconds at a time, so it is perfect for students who may need a little bit of extra time with the movements.

Animal Fingers | Fingerplay Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann is another fun fine motor warm up song. Although this has a similar name to the other song, this is a little bit different.

Are you looking for finger warm up visuals? Check out FINGER FINE MOTOR WARM UP VISUALS HERE!

What fine motor songs do you like? Leave me a comment below or email me!

Are you looking for gross motor songs for warming up? Check out the blog post, here! 

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DISCLAIMER: Elizabeth Kosek is a Licensed Occupational Therapist , but is in no way representing herself as such with the content of this blog or through her resources. By using this website or any resources, you agree that this activity is not intended to replace skilled therapy services, consultation, treatments and does not replace the advice of a physician or occupational therapist. Speak with your physician or OT if you have questions. Information provided should not be used for diagnostic or training purposes. Stop any activity if you are unsure about a child’s reaction or ability. Empowering OT is not liable for any injury, accident, or incident that may occur when creating or replicating any of the activities or ideas found on this blog or contained within any resource provided here.